Friday, June 18, 2010

Egypt – 30 May to 17 June 2010

How to cross the road – close your eyes and walk.

Our bus travel from Israel took around 12 hours – fun! But we opted to go a direct bus (with a tour company) instead of figuring out how to split the travel in the two countries. I felt sick for the first couple of hours as the road was windy and the driver was…confident. As we got closer to Cairo, driving became artwork. Everyone manoeuvres in and out of traffic with sometimes only a couple of metres between each vehicle, and some of them are trucks! We managed to arrive with everything in tact, including our nerves.

The first day we were there we joined in the 50-year celebrations of YWAM with the crew from around the area. It was really cool to be a part of it and everyone was really welcoming. It was good to see how God was moving in these countries and hear the many testimonies that were told of healings and people coming to know Jesus. A shame there was not enough time to hear them all – we would probably have needed another week and still not got through them all – God is working all the time. We heard Loren and Darlene speak which hit Dan and I in different and many ways, which we need to process further.

We then spent another 3 days in downtown Cairo. Walking around Cairo is…interesting. So many different smells (pee and rubbish) and sights wherever you go. The traffic is pretty crazy and basically bumper to bumper. The roads go everywhere and even if you had a map I reckon you’d find it hard driving around. We decided to walk everywhere and caught the metro a couple of times, which is a nice one. Yeah, so the Egyptian way for pedestrian crossing is madness and it is a prerequisite to trust the drivers COMPLETELY. On the first night, I gathered up this immense trust and it got me across, a bit scary because you get sandwiched between the cars, buses and trucks. They basically beep at anything! This is truly a city that never sleeps! I tell you, after being in these Arab countries my nerves are beginning to get used to the beeping I just ignore them now – which I’ll need to ditch pretty soon. I used to hate it when people used their horns in Australia, I found it a sign of impatience and anger. Some do it for notification of danger, but then it quickly turns to anger.

So while in downtown Cairo we hung out with Sunni, who we’d met at the celebrations. We visited the biggest market and saw some awesome stuff; went to an oasis in the middle of Cairo, a really lush and green park; saw a Muslim temple for tourists (with the request of money to help the orphans…I believe him); visited the Coptic Museum which was awesome, and I’m not big on museums; walked through the city of the dead – tombs from long ago that are being converted into houses with people living in them. These tombs aren’t just coffins, these are full-on structures…why not?; drank icy Strawberry juice off the street using communal cups…hmmm; and just walked around the streets tasting the food Cairo had to offer. Falaffel! Soooo good and glad they have it here. I had it for breakfast even! Their bread here is not as good as other countries though. We caught up with the Egypt Ultimate team (they all say “Hi” Rick and that you should move back) but unfortunately were unable to play as the American College closed for the summer and were doing “maintenance” on the fields. So we went and ate Yemen food with three cool people, they were so friendly. That’s what I have found with the Egyptians, they are willing to change their plans and just hang out with you, so cool. There are some crafty fellows, but you get that in most cities. The Egyptians are clever, especially those with tourist shops. I got talked into buying some oil perfume and it was an okay price for me, but maybe a better price for him. These guys are big on the first customer of the day being good luck for the rest of it – but I think they tell that to all their customers. They also ask you for gifts if they give you something to try or smell, pretty up front. They’ve bought in a new taxi service, which have meters installed. The older cars (mostly black with some white) don’t have a meter. You need to barter with these guys in the beginning and ensure you use the words “Egyptian Pounds” and maybe even write the amount down somewhere. Some people have been caught where the drive changed the price at the end (or used another currency) and they make a scene until you pay. We stayed clear of them unless we were with an Egyptian. Oh how I wish we could download new languages! I know it can be done, but it’s certainly “marshalaah” (God-willing). NOTHING is impossible with Him! I have heard stories where languages have been spoken without knowing the language at all – too cool.

We also visited a place called “trash city” – which I think is a Western term. We got to the nearest metro station and were stumped on how to get there. We asked a couple of people but then I felt we shouldn’t be asking where “trash city” was because it didn’t feel…respectful. Past the city is St Simeon’s Monastery and so we queried about that. We came across this guy who is a Coptic Christian which I believe was a divine appointment) and he led us to a taxi, we invited him to come with us and he accepted – and it was his only day off work! It was awesome. So, “trash city” is where they take all the rubbish and they sort it out for recycling – but people live there too. There are three main churches and all are cut into caves. The story goes that St Simeon the tanner prayed with all the saints and God split the mountainside in half as proof He was real. There are really awesome carvings in the hillside, which I was only able to get a few photos of as my camera battery died :o( It doesn’t seem foreigners visit there as we were swarmed by kids and their families to chat and take photos with us. We saw the sunset over the rooftops and watched as people sorted the rubbish with the light they still had left. Then we went to a Coptic church service in Arabic. It was really cool.

The On-the-Go Tour

The first day of the tour we saw pyramids, pyramids, pyramids and a sphinx. It was hot! Dan went for a camel ride around the pyramids, while I opted for the air conditioning of the bus. We spent 18 hours on a train travelling from Cairo to Aswan in the seater train which had huge seats, some of us got sleep. It was interesting seeing the different people on the tour, some fresh into travel and others not. Amazing what you can get used to when you travel for so long…like lack of showering and other conveniences.

We hit Aswan and went out and to see the Nile dam and a temple that we had to take a motorboat to get to. This day I felt ill, I was getting stomach cramps every now and then. I think it was getting used to drinking the tap water, and I’d had some leftover chicken from a table. Others got it pretty bad during the tour, so I was blessed it didn’t last too long and it didn’t interrupt any other functions…ahem.

From Aswan we split into 3 teams and took felucca’s (sailing boats) down the Nile. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, it was cool on the water and we were protected by shade the whole time. Our job was to lay back on the matresses and enjoy the scenery. The first night we slept close by a Nubian family home and they cooked us dinner. The sleep wasn’t too bad, it was windy which kept the mozzies away.

The next morning we were unable to leave until after lunch as there was too much wind for the sail. It’s interesting, when sailing down the Nile the current goes from South the North, and the wind from North to South, so you have to criss-cross sail. Once the wind died down we tied all 3 felucca’s together and just floated down, we hit a bridge going down because of ill-timed steering, but all was good. We then got a lift with a motorboat to the beach we were going to spend the night at. A few of us needed to go to the toilet (an anticipated feeling in Egypt because you never know what you’re in for) and we did on the motorboat. It was a squat toilet at the back of the boat, in the open, which barely covered your lower back, in the open for all to see. It was an…experience.

We stopped at a beach area and had a “bon fire.” At about 3am there was a small fire in the front cabin of our felucca. The dude sleeping in there freaked out and one of the other captains burnt his hand pretty bad while putting it out. Exciting times.

We travelled by bus to see another two temples then arrived in Luxor. The hotels we’ve been staying at are 5-star (Egytptian 5-star) hotels and they’ve been pretty nice. It was a nice ending to the Middle Eastern journey. We got up early the next day to visit the Valley of the Kings and Queens and then another temple in the arvo. The valleys were pretty big in that there are many tombs there. They stopped building the pyramids for tombs because they were raided by the tomb robbers, so they went underground – so impressive and so much work, for a dead body. A lot of colour is still vivid after 3,000 or more years. By the end of the touristy things on the tour, I was a tired of hearing about Ancient Egypt. I began feeling sorry for these guys because they worshipped gods who didn’t exist and had an incorrect view of the “afterlife,” taking treasures with you? No physical thing here on earth is relevant after you die, sorry. We were told that when the people gathered around outside the temple (they weren’t allowed in) it was the priest who would be the voice of the god – such deception.

We arrived to our flash hotel in Dahab after an 18 hour bus ride where the seats didn’t stay reclined. We got swollen ankles after all that travel. The designer of the hotel (Mercure) definitely had fun with this one. We went snorkelling in the Blue Hole (Red Sea) which was AMAZING! God has an awesome sense of humor and such creativity, it was truly beautiful. We saw a turtle cruising past us and amazing colours in fish! I spent a lot longer in the water that I expected. The Red Sea is the next saltiest after the Dead Sea, so it was caked in our hair – such an amazing experience and I was truly grateful and thankful to God for designing such beauty and for those who went before us, who kept it alive for us to see.

We left late on Monday night to climb Mount Sinai. I did a bit of research in Exodus and Moses climbed this thing like 7 times and 2 of those he spent 40 days/nights up there…madness! Then I learnt that the Bedouins live and walk up there almost daily, and you have to have a guide with you at all times. These guys are machines. Some parts were truly a mission, especially the 770 steps at the end. It was worth it to see the beautiful sunrise in the morning.

It was an early start to catch the 7 hour bus back to Cairo. A lot of travelling between deserts in Egypt. We visited a perfumery in Cairo (and bought more) then went to the Khan el-Khalili markets (to get my last dose of hassle and bargaining) with our tour guide from the first leg of the tour, Romany (the best!). Then it was time to fly out the next morning which was kinda weird as we hadn’t flown for a while. I was really excited. I have enjoyed my time in the Middle East (some of it has been hard because of culture shock...then the continuous shock) but I knew it was time to depart.

It was a strange feeling to be walking around Heathrow and seeing all the shops I knew while I was living in Harpenden, to see the English Pound sign. We walked past a picture of London on the wall, saw fixed prices in the shops – ahhh, was able to flush toilet paper down the toilet (the simple things in life), and hear English – everywhere.

Then it was off to Montreal where we gain 7 hours of our life back…



Saturday, June 5, 2010

Israel – 21 to 30 May 2010


We arrived on the Friday because we wanted to be there for Pentecost (a day described in the book of Acts in the Holy Bible when the Spirit of God came down on the early church). Holy Day in Israel starts sundown Friday night and ends sundown Saturday. So…

Shabbat shalom (peace to the Sabbath) time! A horn is sounded 20 minutes before sundown on Friday that lets everyone know it’s almost time to commence the Sabbath, in which they do no work - whatsoever. Some of the Jews who are serious about this time ensure that all electrics are on/off as they don’t touch anything electrical during this time, there are some lifts that are programmed so one doesn’t have to touch the floor number, and so it stops at every floor.

At about 11pm we went for a walk in an area called Mea Shearim, which is one of the most Jewish Orthodox areas in the world – and they’re right. We went for a wander and saw many of the families walking around after their dinner – the whole family. Because they believe you aren’t to do any work on the Sabbath, if you drive through the area you will have your car stoned, so the police put up road blocks to their streets. I had to wear a skirt because according to their traditions (and it does state in the Old Testament) women aren’t to wear men’s clothing – so I wore my pants on underneath. They don’t look at you because if you don’t follow their practices, you aren’t “right” before God. I had mixed feelings walking through and watching these guys – sadness and a kind of respect. Sadness because their lives seem restrictive where more and more practices and traditions come in with every new Rabbi, that are passed down and obeyed. There is so much more spiritual freedom to be had and it’s not in following law, God has provided the Way. A kind of respect because they live out these things with seriousness and discipline. There are 3 year olds walking around with their “curly sidies” because they aren’t to shave the hair on their temples. Then there are all types of hats they wear, from small round ones to big Russian-looking fluffy ones. So that was my experience in a Jewish area. Dan however was approached by a bunch of Jewish kids and was told he looked like an Arab (he was wearing an Arab-coloured scarf on his neck) and that he should take it off. I was wondering why we were getting such looks…

We went to church on Sunday night and it was really awesome to be among other believers in Jerusalem of all cultures and ethnics, it was such a family feeling. On the Monday we went on a free tour around the old city which was really cool to get explanations of the different things around. It’s basically divided into four quarters – the Armenian, Christian, Muslim and Jewish. It was interesting to know that the old old city is really some 8m below because it’s been demolished and rebuilt over the years from a number of different conquerors. It is a Holy City for the three faiths – for the Christian it’s where Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again. For the Muslim it’s where Mohammad ascended to Heaven. For the Jewish it’s where the second temple was built and where the Western (Wailing) Wall stands. It’s nice to see the three co-existing, but there is also tension because of it’s significance and also the prophecies about the place.

On Tuesday we went on a Political Tour which was run by an ex-Palestinian activist who’d been jailed for some years. He is one of the lucky Palestinians who is allowed to live in Israel territory. He has people go on his tours to spy on him. He is just telling the truth and he is very passionate about it, but he has a family and so isn’t so full-on anymore. This tour really opened my eyes and created such mixed feelings inside. I mean, yeah Israel as a state, but they’ve created this huge wall that closes off the “Israel state” from Palestinians. When you look at a house you can tell whether they are in or out of Israel territory – the ones with 2 tanks on the roof are Palestinian because they have to store water as they don’t know when Israel will cease giving them water. Pregnant women in labour are made to wait at the checkpoints until an ambulance comes to collect them, and then it needs to be searched before they are transported. Israel calls the checkpoints “security gates” but the tour guide described them as more of “shame gates”, because if you look Arab they will ask you for the Israel ID card and if not they let you pass through. Now the ID cards, if you don’t have one, you cannot live in Israel – but to get one? Almost impossible. There is criteria set that cannot be met by most Arabs. We met a guy living on the streets with this problem, he was waiting for a card to be made and had paid the money. He wants to see his family in Jordan, but won’t be able to get back in if he doesn’t have the ID card. The tour guide called what Israel was doing – ethnic cleansing. I didn’t see even a slither of what’s going on. I have to say, it’s not everyone in Israel who agrees with what’s going on – it’s those in government and those who are Zionists (believe that the Jewish state should exist but more than what they’ve been given) and the guide was honest about this also. On their smallest coin, there is a “state” which is a lot bigger than what Israel is now…we were told a meaning of their flag represented the Nile and Iran with the Star of David (Israel) in the middle, which shows there is still a lot of land to be taken, or attempted to be taken. We were taken to see where the wall goes through a neighbourhood and to a house where the woman had to make the decision to have the wall go through her garden or be excluded from the Israel side. She opted to stay within Israel but now what took her a 3 minute walk to get to her mother’s house, now takes 1 1/2 hours to drive through all the checkpoints to visit her! There was a small street we visited in which Israeli settlers were moving in and the Palestinian family was living under a tree across the road. One woman was living in a tent just on the side of the house. While we were there, Zionists arrived (mostly American) and there was a little conflict, one of them stating that the Palestinians ought to feel lucky because they are allowed to live on Israeli land…under a tree and having your home taken from you? What the?!

We went to a Young Adults meeting at a church and heard a testimony of a guy from a Caribbean Island of when he died for over an hour and then came back to life. Quite an amazing journey while he was dead…Then he offered to heal people of shortened legs, as he had been healed himself. He prayed the simple prayer, “In the name of Yeshua (Jesus) I command you to grow,” for about 5 people and the legs grew! One after the other these legs grew, it was amazing to see. Never have I seen miraculous healing like this. I’d remembered reading about Jesus healing, back in the day, and noticed that coupled with healing was new faith, the renewal of faith, and praise to God. This is what I also saw in some of them at the meeting. Faith was renewed and they were strengthened again. It was an amazing experience and it also solidified my faith that God is still healing today. If we could capture all the stories in the world of such healings and deliverances, it would be a massive book! God is just too awesome!

We went for a visit to the Mount of Olives and ‘the’ Garden of Gethsemane where we met up with a Christian tour who were doing some teaching and fellowship. They invited us to join them which was really cool. They even introduced us to the rest of the tour. I truly felt welcomed. It was really surreal learning about Jesus in the place where he had been so many years ago. The view from the Mount of Olives is incredible – a bit of a hike but incredible. We saw olive trees that were 2000 years old and 1 that was 3000 years old. These are kept in an area that had only been re-opened recently. It was really cool to see.

We did a lot of walking around in Jerusalem. There is certainly plenty to see. I would have liked to get around to other towns and especially see how the Palestinians live (which there are tours you can do that), but you need a bit of time and know where you are going and what you’re doing.

I am still feeling a little tired of travelling, but know that we have another 2 months left and I think I can push through it. You definitely learn a lot about yourself and how you like to travel and live.

Til next time in Egypt…


Oh, here is an excerpts from Dan’s email which tells his story of Israel…enjoy!

If you have an Israel stamp in your passport, you are unable to travel to most Arabic (also mostly Islamic) countries: Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, and others. You WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to enter the country. If you have a Syria stamp in your passport, you will be questioned at the Israel border but you will be allowed in the country. Do not try to enter Israel on a Saturday – it is likely that the borders will be closed – it is the Jewish holy day.

Before you support the State of Israel on religious principles, please investigate your reasons for such support. (Note: I support the State of Israel but definitely not in its current position). Historically Israel was created by a Zionist agenda in the land of Palestine, where initially 55% of Palestine land was given to Jews, about 33% of the population at that time. The Israel-Palestine situation has very serious political and religious issues impacting on people very personally right now.

There are many ideas for resolving the Arab-Israel conflict. High level political support/pressure from the UN is needed just as much as grassroots reconciliation. Some friends started Ultimate Peace a few years ago; a way of using sport to break down barriers between different groups, between kids who are not currently involved in reconciliation but have grown up in a divided country. There are no stupid ideas – as long as someone has the passion to pursue them.

In similar news, all six branches of Starbucks in Israel were closed down on account of the managing director being an active Zionist.

We were listening to a guy we met from San Martin, an island in the Carribean. He'd drowned and been medically dead for about thirty minutes, and had come back to life. His story made the local news but unfortunately isn't on YouTube. He had an out-of-body/near-death experience and saw heaven and hell. Great story.

Then he said God had given him a gift to heal people's legs. So there were six people with different-length legs. And the six shorter legs grew to be the same length! One girl had a (long-ago) broken bone sticking out on her foot. It wasn't sticking out anymore. God is amazing, and awesome, and the very NAME of Jesus is powerful! Jesus really did rise from the dead and he's alive today – check it out in the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John). And his life story was prophesied hundreds of years earlier!! The Bible is a book worth reading…

The ultra-orthodox (extreme) jews are pretty special. They religiously follow the `instructions' found in the Torah (first 5 books in the Bible, written by Moses), but place equal weight on the Talmud (oral instructions resulting from cultural interpretations of the Torah). In one way, they create fences around fences. `Thou shalt do not work on the Sabbath', found in the Torah, is ensured by the creation of additional rules. The light switch must not be turned on or off during the Sabbath, but the lights may remain on for the duration. The stove may not be turned off after the Sabbath meal, but an electric hotplate may be timed and set before the Sabbath, which will automatically turn off. Highly religious.

One of the beauties of the ultra-orthodox Jews however, is that after their Sabbath meal, en masse and as families they all walk the neighbourhood. So the men are dressed in silk suits and fur hats, and do not cut the hair on their temples, and the women are all modestly dressed in dresses and skirts, but they are out enjoying the streets as a family, along with everyone else in the neighbourhood. An excellent community-minded idea!

And we are now in Cairo, Egypt…